Justo anoche chateaba con una blogger sobre diversas cosas, entre las cuales figuraba mi abandono en la práctica de lo referido al blogging, (que no en teoría, pues sigo leyendo acerca de ello cuando puedo), y hoy encuentro algo que me provoca postear, asi que "back on the road", pero no creo que por mucho, pues sigo ocupado con otras cosas, entre ellas vivir, claro.
Bueno, lo que me llamó la atención fue este artículo del NYT sobre una prostituta brasileña (o brashica, como decimos por acá), que decidió bloggear acerca de sus experiencias y luego lo transformo en un libro: "The Scorpion's Sweet Poison" que ya es un best seller en su país, con más de 100,00 copias vendidas y que acaba de ser traducido al castellano.
She goes by the name Bruna, the Little Surfer Girl, and gives new meaning to the phrase "kiss and tell." First in a blog that quickly became the country's most popular and now in a best-selling memoir, she has titillated Brazilians and become a national celebrity with her graphic, day-by-day accounts of life as a call girl here.
Interviewed at the office of her publisher here, Ms. Pacheco, 21, said the blog that became her vehicle to notoriety emerged almost by accident. But once it started, she was quick to spot its commercial potential and its ability to transform her from just another program girl, as high-class prostitutes are called in Brazil, into an entrepreneur of the erotic. "In the beginning, I just wanted to vent my feelings, and I didn't even put up my photograph or phone number," she said. "I wanted to show what goes on in the head of a program girl, and I couldn't find anything on the Net like that. I thought that if I was curious about it, others would be too."
Y no es que quiera leer el libro, pero lo pongo como una más de las posibilidades del mundo blog. Que no es tan novedosa tampoco.
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