jueves, octubre 21, 2004

Haga bailar a Bush

Exactamente eso, si quiere ver a Bush bailar visite Tvdance.com, lo mismo con Kerry claro, entre muchos otros muñequitos con la cara del personaje que prefiera, con distintas canciones de fondo. También puede hacer que Bush u otro baile al ritmo que ud. desee para una postal y enviarsela a quien prefiera. Vía este artículo del NYT.

The words come from mouths that don't always fit the faces. The music is cribbed from American pop songs. The figures are tiny photographic heads pasted onto cartoon bodies. The political stance is mix-and-match sadism. And sometimes the viewer can play along: dress up the figures, make 'em dance, whack 'em or kill 'em. Yes, it's campaign season. And there's plenty of old-fashioned mudslinging, not only in print and on the airwaves but also in the wild, unregulated cultural landscape of the Web. It's worth a look.

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